Casual and Attractive pose for girls
Hello guys, In this post we just talk about four useful new tricks for level up your photoshoot. Not only tricks, poses also include. I know guys everyone want to give good pose for photoshoot. And your photoshoot should be wonderful one in your gallery. But why should we do everyone do. Do new and differently. For this mind I create some new tricks and pose for your photoshoot. For that, this tricks totally change your pose. But It's surely change your pose look and you can get level up your pose.
what you must note in outdoor shoot:
1. Location
2. Pose
3. Eye look
Why should we talk about location? Choosing location is must one, because location is expression of mood, this is decided the mood and pose. In this photoshoot I Used edge of wall and sitting place also edge of wall. That will give great look for my photos. ( for great details check this video tricks for casual and attractive pose)
2. Poses
Trick I
Use your Arm: whatever pose you are stand or sit but use your hand. Because if you give sitting pose just sit and take shot that like normal pose. Instead hold your head by your hand or just fix your hand near face that seem like awesome shot.
Trick II:
Use near object: When we take shot in outdoor most of the time we get near object like tree, wall etc., so use this object for get causal pose and supportive thing for inexperienced person.
Trick III
Focus on bottom angle: I choose location that is joint Edge of two wall and my sitting place also edge of two wall. In this condition, I make focus on bottom angle for my photos. It's take my pose to next level.( for clear details check this link tricks for casual and attractive pose)
Trick IV
Take low height sitting place for sitting pose: When you choose medium height sitting place and bend for pose that is seem like Attitude pose. But our pose is casual pose. so just choose low height siting place and lightly bend like use your hand for fix in thigh.
3.Eye look
Most of the time we use your eye for straight look (look camera). For little change see floor or other place. Yah! It's candid photography. But this eye look develop your shot like most causal.
Guys, this post is just explain for few details. For more details check this video.
Thank You!!!
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