Longest living insects!

 Longest living insects!!!

Every creatures have same duties that are eating, escape from predators and mating. But their lifespan is different. Most of the insect's lifespan is shorter than one year. Spider can live for 1 year. Grasshopper also lives upto 1 year. House fly can live upto 28 days. Exceptionally some insects live for more year.


Queen termite: 

A queen termite has long lifespan and is oldest termite in colony. Termite queen can live for 25 to 50 years. Termite queen lays a lot of eggs. A termite queen can lay upto 30,000 eggs in a single day. The queen maintain peak egg performance for 7 to 10 years.

Splendour beetle: 

Splendour beetle is part of the jewel beetle family, they can live 50 years. After mating female lays eggs on tree, the larva hatch and they burrows into trees where they live for  25 to 30 years. After become full strength that means adult beetle come out they start to live usually like eating, mating, laying eggs and dying for some weeks.



Cicada is group of sound producing insect.  It produces loud noise by vibrating membranes near the bar of abdomen. The female cicada lays her eggs in branch of trees and when the Nymphs are hatched from the egg, it drop down in Ground.  Then it borrows itself in Ground and it attach into plant roots then start live by suck sap of root for about 17 years. After this long rest, it come back and start to live usual life like eating, mating, laying eggs and dying. Then it spends about 5 weeks for usual Life in sunlight after it just dies.

Thank you!

Pictures  from pixabay. 

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